Formatting Your Customer Data for SMS Landing Page Campaigns

To send SMS Landing Page messages via Messaging Studio, you must upload your recipients as a spreadsheet (csv, xls or xlsx). Correct formatting of the data on this spreadsheet will save you time and ensure all messages are delivered.

The only column you must include in your spreadsheet is a list of mobile numbers.

Formatting phone number with excel

If all of your messages are going to numbers for the country that your account was set up in, then you do not need to include the country code, as Messaging Studio offers you these options once your data is uploaded:

International formatting of numbers

However, you need to make a decision whether your data includes the country code or not, because your data can’t include both. Here’s an example:

Bad data formatting

If you attempt to send your campaign to a mixture of internationally formatted and non-internationally formatted phone numbers, you will see an error message before the campaign is sent:

Error message Studio

This is because I selected the ‘My phone numbers are internationalised, add the + sign for me.’ option, which was correct for Warren and Amy, but for Liz’s number, I needed to include the + sign and the country code.

So, it’s important to format your database before you send to ensure that all numbers are either prefixed with the country code, or not. You also need to ensure that you haven’t included non-numerical data in your spreadsheet, such as the brackets in this example: 61 (0) 422 333 444.

We have a handy infographic to help you format your data – this is for our Echo SMS platform but the steps are the same for Messaging Studio.

The remainder of your spreadsheet columns can contain any information you want to include in your SMS or your Landing Page as personalisation fields. Here’s a quick example:

Data format with personalised fields

You can find out more about personalising your templates here.

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